The BNI Gold Club was established to recognize BNI members who go the extra mile in building their chapters by sponsoring six or more professionals into the organization who subsequently become BNI members. BNI El Paso Gold Club members add value to their chapters by increasing the referral network of every member of the chapter, which means more business for everyone!
Gold Club members enjoy the following privileges:
1. Acknowledgment and Recognition on the El Paso, TX regional website.
2. Complimentary entrance to all BNI El Paso regional trainings.
3. Discounts for Regional Events.
4. Recognition at the Annual Awards Banquet.
These are the Gold Club Members of the BNI El Paso Region:
BNI Synergy Chapter
Allen Borschow
Erika Pegueros
High Noon Chapter
Trish James
Glenda Toon
Jessica Lopez, Executive Director BNI El Paso Texas, is also a Gold Club member.